Make AI Voice Covers For Your Favorite Songs

    Replace your vocals with AI. The fastest AI app with the highest-quality and most-diverse set of AI voices.

    Trending AI Voices

    Top picks from our community. Updated daily.

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    Clone Your Own Voice!

    Use our latest AI model to train your voice and make epic covers.

    Train Now!

    Popular AI Voices

    Top picks from our community. Updated daily.

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    We Have
    TextSpeech Too!

    Don't have an existing audio file?
    Convert text directly into spoken words, optimized for speech and storytelling.

    Convert Now!

    New AI Voices

    The newest AI voices added to VoiceDub!

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    Some of our happy members :)

    Join today & share your own experience!

    Worked amazing! I cloned my voice and used some of the available voices, my tiktok got to 100k followers so fast 😂




    This site is a game changer! Cloned my voice and did a cover for my crush. Let's just say, I got a date out of it!




    Umm, where has this been all my life? Created a duet with my favorite singer using their cloned voice. Dream come true fr 🤩




    Yo, this thing is dope. Used the AI to recreate my grandma's voice for a special birthday message. Legit brought tears to her eyes.




    Life saver! Made a custom voicemail greeting with a spacey voice for my best friend's star wars theme birthday party. 10/10 👏👏




    Met someone in the community to collaborate and we made a group cover of our favorite song. Actually epic!





    All the features you need to create that next BANGER!
    VoiceDub makes it fast & easy to replace your vocals with AI.

    Loads of AI Voices

    VoiceDub leverages the latest in generative AI to replace the vocals in your audio file with any of the AI voices we have available.

    Text → Speech

    In addition to our tried-and-true Voice → Voice AI, we are excited to announce our latest Text → Speech AI model. Type in essays of text and generate studio-quality vocals!

    Voice Cloning

    Have your own voice you want to use? We got you! Upload vocals to our platform and train our AI on your voice.

    Stem Isolation


    Upload an audio file and our AI will split it into vocal and instrumental stems. 100% FREE!

    Royalty-Free Voices

    Create original music with our selection of royalty-free voices → you own the rights!

    Lightning Fast

    Say goodbye to long processing times. We've fully parallelized our system for maximum performance. Generate voice dubs in seconds!

    Daily Updates

    We're rapidly updating VoiceDub daily to bring you more AI voices and advanced features.



    Join the official Discord community to get help with your dubs, see the latest features, and hangout!

    VoiceDub is actively looking for feedback & forming partnerships with producers & artists.
    Reach out to us if you're interested!


    100% FREE Vocal Remover

    Separate your audio into vocals and instruments!

    Remove Vocals Now!

    Generate AI Voice Covers

    Create mastered vocals on VoiceDub with over 10,000+ voices in seconds!

    Get Started Now!

    Questions? Weʼve got answers

    Frequently asked questions